+ 44 (0)1223 919777


No account to set up, no log-in, no form filling and no packing. Varsity takes care of everything.

Our Services

Biological samples - delivered - fast and reliable

Book Shipping

Let us take care of your shipping within the UK or around the world. Click here or call us on +44 (0) 1223 919777 for a quote. Choose a collection date and time. We’ll come to your premises and package your shipment in performance tested packaging, along with temperature controls if needed. Plus we’ll complete all the paperwork and take it on its way. Guaranteed. 


All our shipments are tracked throughout their journey. You’ll be given a tracking number. We’ll happily inform you once your delivery has been made. Alternatively if you’d like to track your parcel, click here, enter your number and you’ll see for yourself. Our data loggers will be tracking the exact temperature of your samples during their passage too. Guaranteed.

Get in Touch

Not yet ready to book a shipment, but want to ask us something? Please do, we’re happy to answer any queries. Because we’re also scientists, we understand how time critical and important your biological shipments are, which is why we created Varsity in the first place, for complete peace of mind. Ask away by clicking here and we promise to come back to you promptly. Guaranteed.

Excellent service at a great price. Repeated, on-time, hassle-free collection and delivery made to major pharmaceutical companies in the UK, USA and Asia’

Dr. Neil Upton, CSO, Transpharmation Ltd

Please enter the email address for your account. A verification code will be sent to you. Once you have received the verification code, you will be able to choose a new password for your account.

Your shipment is in safe hands

  • Owned by scientists, run by scientists
  • Delivery quotes given within 5 hours
  • You select a collection date and time
  • We package the delivery on your site
  • Competent & trained staff are on hand
  • Data loggers track temperature
  • All our packaging is performance tested
  • Customs forms & paperwork completed by us
  • Shipments with airlines booked by us
  • You can track too via our online system
  • Just one call & we’ll take care of the rest
  • Contact our team for more information

Stay Notified

Letting us have your email address will allow us to keep you informed of updates and changes to our services. Your details will remain with us, and only be used by us, for timely and appropriate messaging.